
DIY // Interlock Warrior Variations

Move in a way that works for you! We are all different. Some things that are easy for you might be hard for someone else, and vice versa. That is why in a yoga or fitness classes you need to always find the option that works for your body, not what everyone else is doing, or pushing yourself to do what the teacher says. Many of us are hard wired for achievement, but it is so much more rewarding to allow ourselves to just BE exactly where we need to be in that moment. I say in that moment, because often how we feel and need to move changes daily. It is in those moments that we can learn and grow in an authentic way. When we always push ourselves to the most extreme point we move into struggle, which cuts us off from our breath, awareness, connection, and growth. I challenge you to make the choice to move in a way that works for you. Let me know what you find and discover!

Move with Me // Upper Back + Shoulders Series // 5 min


Move with Me // Upper Body Circuit // 30min